8th International Workshop on the Biology of Fish Gametes

8th International Workshop on the Biology of Fish Gametes

06 septembre 2022



Présentations orales :

  • Goupil A.-S., Kica S., Terrenne T., Goardon L., Depince A., Labesse C., Lareyre J.-J., Labbe C.: Cryopreservation of rainbow trout germinal stem cells: application in aquaculture to restore both spermatozoa and oocytes from valuable genotypes.
  • Roza de Abreu M., Janati Idrissi S., de Mello F., Guyomar C., Nguyen T., Pšenička M., Herpin A., Thermes V., Seitz H., Bobe J.: Hippo pathway-mediated regulation of micropyle formation by micro RNA 202 (miR-202) in the fish oocyte.
  • Nobrega R.H., Doretto L.B., Thomas M., Chenais N., Lareyre J.-J.: FSH regulates the proliferation of embryonic-like germ stem cells in adult zebrafish testes.
  • Laurent A.: Epigenetics in fish gametes: sensitivity to environmental clues and transgenerational acclimation
  • Kamouh M.E.L., Brionne A., Laurent A., Labbé C.: Cryopreservation affects cellular quality but not DNA methylation profile in rainbow trout spermatozoa.
  • Cheng Y., Vechtova P., Samarin A.M., Samarin A.M, Brionne A., Zhang S., Linhartová Z., Xin M., Schumacher F., Sterba J., Labbé C, Linhart O.: Effect of short-term storage sperm in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) on sperm DNA methylation and epigenetic inheritance level in embryos.
  • Li N., Gavin-Plagne L., Francke S., Goardon L., Labbe C., Schmitt E.: Effect of an antibiotic-free medium on milt motility and fertility of rainbow trout semen after mid-term storage at 4°C.


Posters :

  • Chenais N., Nobrega R.H., Thomas M., Porcon B., Branthonne A., Burel A., Dupont A., Gouttefangeas F., Lareyre J.-J.: Testicular organoids in teleost fish: current progress and perspectives, [P8]
  • Janat Idrissi S., Roza de Abreu M., Pšenička M., Bobe J.: Fine phenotyping of the micropylar cell in medaka, [P10]
  • Nynca J., Żarski D., Malinowska A., Świderska B., Bobe J., Ciereszko A.: Aging of pikeperch eggs induces changes in the expression of proteins involved in genome stability and egg quality, [P22]
  • Rocha De Almeida T., Klopp C., Król J., Ljubobratovic U., Palińska-Żarska K., Bobe J., Żarski D.: Deregulated proteolysis, RNA degradation and DNA damage among potential causes for loss of egg quality during egg aging in pikeperch (Sander lucioperca), [P28]

Contact: changeMe@inrae.fr

Date de création : 13 février 2023