Science and Technology of milk and eggs

STLO - Science and Technology of milk and eggs

Milk and eggs are universal foods. They have in common a complete composition and an extreme richness in proteins of high nutritional value, in lipids, in minerals, carbohydrates and in vitamins... and are far from being perfectly known!
conference  Cheese IDF Bergen

08 April 2024

Redaction: MHFamelart-STLO

STLO at IDF Cheese Science and Technology symposium

The IDF Cheese Science and Technology symposium will take place in Bergen, Norway, from June 4 to 6, 2024. The program will present recent scientific advances in the dairy sector, focusing on high-impact research related to the cheese production value chain.
The international conference on Food Digestion (ICFD2024) is a major event in the field of Food, Nutrition and Health. It is organized in the frame of the INFOGEST, a global network of approximately 700 research scientists (academic and food companies) from 200 institutions across 52 countries.
HDR Steven Le Feunteun
On Thursday March 28, 2024, Steven brilliantly defended his HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches). This (much-needed) diploma recognizes a candidate's rich scientific career, his ability to implement a research strategy on a given theme, and his ability to supervise students and young researchers.
Products of the program Localnutleg
For this 60th edition of the Salon International de l'Agriculture, two scientists from STLO and a project manager from Végépolys-Valley met visitors from 26 to 28 February 2024 on the INRAE stand.

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